"Cat" is a winter clothing that originated in Nagiso Town, Nagano Prefecture. It has a shape that warms only the cold back. It seems that there are various theories about the origin of the name "cat", such as "from a cat hanten" and "because it is warm like a cat".

Reference image: "Cat", a winter clothing that originated in Nagiso Town, Nagano Prefecture
Reference image: "Cat", a winter clothing that originated in Nagiso Town, Nagano Prefecture

Felissimo Cat Club's "Hooded Warm Home Cat [Short]" is a "cat" with a cat-like look. It was born from the idea (delusion?) That "it would be interesting if a cat became a cat".

"Cat" with cat-like looks, "Home cat short"
"Cat" with cat-like looks, "Home cat short"

A mechanism to carry the cat's hands on his shoulders. Like the "cat" winter clothing, it not only warms your back, but also has no sleeves so it doesn't get in the way when you work.

There are no sleeves, so it doesn't get in the way when you work
There are no sleeves, so it doesn't get in the way when you work

A pocket for a warmer is attached to the neck and waist where you are worried about the cold. It warms the person who wears it. On colder days, you can wear a hood to warm your neck.

It has nothing to do with warmth, but it also has paws on the soles of the feet, which makes you feel like a cat (?).

Can you see the paws?
Can you see the paws?

Five types of "Milk Tea Abyssinian", "Smoky Russian Blue", "Shimashima Munchkin", "White Cat Persia", and "Black Cat Bombay" are available. For details on purchasing methods and prices, refer to the Felissimo Cat Club website.

It also has a tail
It also has a tail