Easy to loosen! Kiwi decoration
Introducing an easy kiwi decoration. Flower shape and rose shape that look gorgeous. Useful for decorating fashionable desserts and cakes.
Material ( For 1-2 people )
Kiwi 1-2 pieces
Rose type & flower type is also easy! Kiwi decoration--for dessert decoration

Introducing a decoration that can be easily made using kiwi. Kiwi alone is gorgeous. It is also recommended for cake decoration.

Kiwi decoration

Rose type

1. 1. Kiwi removes the calyx and peels it.

Kiwi decoration

>> Basic method of peeling kiwi

2. Cut it in half vertically and slice it thinly.

Kiwi decoration

3. 3. Shift it so that it is stretched for a long time, and roll it up little by little.

Kiwi decoration

Kiwi decoration

Four. When it reaches a certain size, shape it into a circle and it's done.

Kiwi decoration

The trick is to use a moderately ripe soft kiwi. It's easy to curve and it's a nice circle. When sliced thickly and rolled, a warm and chubby finish is achieved. If you slice it thinly and roll it, the petals will increase and the cuteness will increase.

Flower type

1. 1. Cut off both ends of the kiwi and pierce the center with a knife so that it is jagged.

Kiwi decoration

2. Remove the cut and it's done. Peel it to your liking to make it easier to eat.

Kiwi decoration

Kiwi decoration

The trick is to insert a knife firmly so that it is cut to the middle of the flesh. Kitchen knives are smooth when using a small size.

Kiwi decoration that can be done surprisingly well even for the first time. One color tends to make you look lonely, so it is recommended to have two types, green and yellow. It would be nice to add herbs and berries to the accent. Feel free to give it a try at hospitality and celebrations.

Kiwi decoration

" Strawberry decoration " and " Orange decoration " are also easy and recommended.

Strawberry decoration
You can easily make strawberry roses