3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

Introducing a simple recipe using the popular "oatmeal" as a healthy ingredient. There are three types: "Handmade Granola", "Oatmeal Bar", and "Oatmeal & Banana Cookies".

Homemade granola recipe

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

A recipe for granola that is easy to make in a frying pan. Roast oatmeal and add honey, salad oil and cinnamon powder. Transfer to a plate and mix with your favorite nuts and dried fruits.

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

The sweetness is modest, and the flavor and aroma of oatmeal is directly transmitted. By adding the texture of nuts and the sweetness of dried fruits as an accent, you can eat bite and bite again.

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

>> Handmade granola recipe

Oatmeal bar recipe

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

An oatmeal bar recipe that can be used as a light meal. Mix oatmeal, butter, honey, etc., put in a pound cake and bake in the oven.

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

The fragrantly finished oatmeal bar has an impressive crumbled texture. The simple flavor of oatmeal is complemented by the sweetness of honey and the richness of butter. It has a healthy taste with less sweetness than similar products on the market.

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

]] Oatmeal bar recipe

Oatmeal & banana cookie recipe

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

A simple oatmeal and banana cookie recipe that doesn't use flour or sugar. Mix crushed banana, oatmeal and cinnamon powder and bake in the oven.

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

Crispy and soft baked. When chewed slowly, the simple flavor of oatmeal, the gentle sweetness of bananas, and the faint aroma of cinnamon spread slowly. It's sweet and chewy, so it's suitable for breakfast and situations where you want to fill your stomach.

3 simple recipes for oatmeal--handmade granola, oatmeal bar, etc.

>> Oatmeal & banana cookie recipe

Three oatmeal treats that are easy to make and adjust the sweetness. Please refer to the introductory article from the link in the text for detailed materials and how to make.