Pringles Shaped Water Bottle "PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK" - Umamio, Sour Cream & Onion, and CHEEEEEESE

Three types of PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle Book will be released by Takarajimasha and will be available from February 9.

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK

The "PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK" is a vacuum insulated water bottle designed to look just like the potato chip "Pringles". It comes in three popular flavors: "Sour Cream & Onion," "Umashio," and "Cheeese.

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK
Sour Cream & Onion Pattern

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK
devilish design

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK
Sour Cream & Onion Pattern 300mL

The vacuum insulated structure allows it to be used both hot and cold. The outside of the water bottle does not get hot or cold, so you can hold it with peace of mind. Since it does not condense, there is no need to worry about the table getting wet or other luggage getting wet when you carry it in your bag. The bottom of the bag is equipped with rubber to prevent slipping.

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Water Bottle BOOK Lineup

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Sour Cream & Onion Water Bottle BOOK

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Sour Cream & Onion Water Bottle BOOK

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated CHEEEEEESE Water Bottle BOOK

Release date: February 9, 2022 (Wednesday)
Price: 2,189 yen each (tax included)
Size: 180.5 (height) X 56.5 mm (diameter)
Available at Lawson, HMV, HMV&BOOKS online and Takarajima Channel.
Some stores may not carry this product.

PRINGLES Vacuum Insulated Sour Cream & Onion 300mL Water Bottle BOOK

Release date: February 18, 2022 (Friday)
Price: 2,420 yen (tax included)
Size: 209 (height) X 56.5 mm (diameter)
Available at bookstores, online bookstores and Takarajima Channel.