MUJI Renovated Units to Go on Sale in Osaka
MUJI HOUSE will begin selling renovated units in Osaka.The first renovated units in the Kansai
MUJI HOUSE has been selling renovated units since 2021, and has now started sales in the Kansai area for the first time. With prices of new and used condominiums continuing to rise in recent years, MUJI HOUSE aims to provide many people with a "good home" at a reasonable price.A
project that gave shape to the ideal home
This property was completed through the "I want to live in the city after all, although the countryside is nice," a project that ran from November 2022 to August 2023. In this project, ideas for ideal lifestyles and housing were collected from over 15,000 people through questionnaires and columns, and these ideas were given form in the renovated units.Features of M
UJI INFILL 0 This property uses MUJI HOUSE's performance-enhancing renovation "MUJI INFILL 0". It incorporates parts that support diverse ways of living, such as effective use of space and different uses for different purposes. In addition, high-performance heat insulating materials and double-glazing inner sashes have been adopted to create a comfortable thermal environment.Specific Property Information
The property, known as Senboku Chayamadai Primary Residence #01, is located in Chayamadai, Minami Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, and is an 8-minute walk from Senboku Kosoku Railway's Senkaoka Station. The property profile is as followsYear of renovation: 2023 Floor area: 57.27m Structure: RC, 5 stories Floors: 2F Price: 23.8 million yen (including tax)
Customize your residence freely
In this dwelling, sliding doors can be used to connect and separate spaces. In addition, many useful ideas have been incorporated, such as storage using the thickness of the walls, an intercom, and a seasoning cabinet. By moving partitions, the room size can be freely changed, and various other customizations are possible.