Seijo-Ishii revamps its official online store,, to offer a new shopping experience on October 1, 2023.
Seijo Ishii renewed its official online store with Shopify Plus, recognizing the system's rapid build-out and flexible feature additions. The company aims to improve customer convenience and engagement.
Seijo Ishii Revamps Official Online Shop Shopify
Japan announced that Seijo Ishii has relaunched its official online store,, on Shopify Plus.
Seijo Ishii
's New Expansion
Seijo Ishii operates 213 stores nationwide under the philosophy of "creating an affluent society by focusing on food. In 2020, Seijo Ishii will also start a partnership with Last One Mile Business, aiming to improve customer convenience and attract new fans.
Reasons for Adoption of Shop
ify Plus Seijo Ishii selected Shopify Plus for this online store renewal. Seijo Ishii selected Shopify Plus because of the system's rapid implementation, ease of integration with other systems through a rich set of APIs, and flexibility in adding new functions. The goal is to deepen customer engagement and provide a superior shopping experience.
Features of the Online Shop
Seijo-Ishii's new online store will be editable with no-code, allowing for easy replacement of seasonal product displays and campaign announcements. In addition, by linking with social networking services, the shop will effectively notify customers of limited-edition collaborative products and sale information, providing a mechanism that will ensure that customers do not miss out.