Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions] "Manga Living" opens in Yao City on July 20, helping to create a place for children during their summer vacation Image 1


Living Opens in Yao City

Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions will open the second location of Manga Living, a project to create a place where all children can live healthy lives. This project will be implemented during the summer vacation period at the Yao City Lifelong Learning Center "Kagayaki".

Manga Living" is a project to create a place where people can experience empathy through manga, and will be


from July 20 to September 29 from 10:00 to 20:00 in the space in front of the playroom on the second floor of the Yao City Lifelong Learning Center "Kagayaki". It will be open from 10:00 to 20:00.

Project Philosophy

The "Living" in "Manga Living" stands for life-giving and a natural place to gather and relax, like a living room. The goal of the project is to provide a place where children with various health challenges can relax and develop a sense of self-esteem.

Composed of


elements "Manga Living" consists of the following 5 elements

Manga Area: Approximately 500 comic books that are deeply involved in someone's life are displayed. Talking area: A "talking area" panel is set up where visitors can introduce each other to manga works. Bookmark for the heart: A tool for accumulating empathic experiences through individual scenes in Manga. Rest room: Provides information on welfare, including local counseling services. Manga Living Concierge: A concierge is assigned to communicate with children about once a week.

New Values for Children

Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions hopes that through "Manga Living" children will learn new values and various ways of life, and enhance their sense of self-esteem. We hope that this project will lead to a better future for children.

Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions] "Manga Living" opens in Yao City on July 20, helping to create a place for children during their summer vacation Image 2

Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions] "Manga Living" opens in Yao City on July 20, helping to create a place for children during their summer vacation Image 3