Because of Helvetica's popularity, many similar fonts have been created, one of which is Helveticat. One such font is Helveticat, designed by Bethany Lesko of New York, USA.

Helveticat" is a font that uses a cat's tail to represent a letter. The complicated movements of the cat's tail must be quite taxing on the cat, but it is cute that the cat looks at us as if nothing is wrong. The cats are bold enough to tackle difficult letters with their tails, such as "x" and "k," but for some reason they cheat a bit with the "t" and wrap a red ribbon around it to express it.

Available on Etsy. The price is 2,841 yen. Shipping to Japan costs 1,591 yen. Including shipping costs, it is quite expensive, but it would be a great gift for a font enthusiast, wouldn't it?