The series is a face pack designed with the image of Kabuki Kumadori under the supervision of Kabuki actor Ichikawa Somegoro. This time, as a congratulatory performance, Soga Goro's "Mukimi" hits his father's death from "Kotobuki Soga no Taimen" and "Sanbaso", which are often performed at New Year's performances. The design of "Kuma" and "Zarekuma" of Sanbaso dancing to celebrate was adopted. It is said that the playful kumadori is a "lucky" kumadori that incorporates "one Fuji, two hawks, and three eggplants."
The sheet is impregnated with a beauty essence that contains three beauty ingredients including hyaluronic acid and three Japanese extracts, which literally removes the "bear" under the eyes and moisturizes and gives the skin a firm and glossy appearance. That's it.