Tights and socks that are indispensable for your feet in winter. Isn't it getting out of control as you buy more and more casually?

Do you know all the items you have?
Do you know all the items you have?

For the time being, the author's socks, which are stuck in without thinking about the storage location, are growing without being able to grasp "what and how much". I didn't want to take it out in a hurry every morning, so I searched for a smart storage method.

Got it! I'm in trouble ...
Got it! I'm in trouble ...

◆ First of all, grasp the current situation and take the plunge to dispose of what you are not wearing

This time, I referred to the "sock / tights storage method" proposed by the women's socks / inner shop " Chuchuanna".

First, collect all the things you have and check if you don't have two pairs or if they are damaged. We classify them into "things that are", "things that are not needed", and "things that are lost". If you get lost and haven't used it for over a year, such as socks that you bought at first sight but were unexpectedly difficult to match, take the plunge and dispose of them.

I want to review this regularly
I want to review this regularly

In addition, "what you have" is categorized in detail according to item and frequency of use. The author classified them into foot covers required for pumps, short socks required for sneakers, and other socks and tights.

More detailed classification according to your lifestyle
More detailed classification according to your lifestyle

It seems convenient to choose a storage location in one place. I use all the chests. If you have a large amount, change your clothes according to the season.

◆ After deciding the location, it's finally stored!

・ Tights are "rolled"

Fold the tights in half, roll them up and store them upright. It will be easier to choose if you roughly summarize by denier, color, pattern, etc.

Fold in half
Fold in half

Round and round
Round and round

・ Do not throw away the "mount" of the foot cover!

The foot cover is easy to take out and can be stored neatly if you use it by saving the mount attached at the time of purchase. Well, I always threw it away first, but this doesn't fall apart and saves a lot of space.

Don't throw away the foot cover mount!
Don't throw away the foot cover mount!

In addition, it is NG to tie tights or fold back the rubber part of the sock because the fabric stretches.

Note that this is easy to do
Note that this is easy to do

If you try to keep the points ...

Very easy to see!
Very easy to see!

Actually, I used to divide the tights in the same place because they couldn't fit in the same place, but when I tried this method, all the tights fit properly and there was still room, and I was impressed (some summer items are separated). The more you open it, the easier it will be to see, and it will be fun to dress up.

If you clean it up once, you won't have to take time to put it in and out every day, which will help you to get dressed and clean up. Please try it when you have time!