Austria's Gerhard Feldbacher sells a "Simple Home" stilt house that is convenient for moving homes.

The biggest feature of "Simple Home" is that it stands on four legs. This made it easier to move the entire house.

Normally, when moving a house, it is necessary to jack it up or lift the house with a crane or the like to put it on a truck. But with "Simple Home," you just insert a track between your four legs. You can easily put it on a truck and move it without preparing a crane.

The size of the house is 7.5 length x 2.6 width x 4 meters height and weighs 10 tons. Since it is supposed to be placed on the truck bed, it has a slightly unnatural shape as a house. But inside, it has everything you need for a home, including a dining kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.

Prices etc. are not disclosed. Gerhard Feldbacher says it will inform you of the price when it comes to inquiries from those who are serious about buying.