Lingerie for women is constantly evolving. There are plenty of choices, and you can choose from various types to suit your TPO. But what about men's underwear? I think many people still wear boxer shorts as they used to.

Australian underwear maker HommeMystere develops and sells sexy lingerie for masculine men to overcome this stagnation. The design is sexy, but the size and shape are suitable for the male body.

Sexy lingerie for masculine guys HommeMystere
Sexy lingerie for masculine guys HommeMystere

Features a size and shape suitable for the male body
Features a size and shape suitable for the male body

HommeMystere's men's underwear ads often feature pictures of slender, muscular, so-called "thin macho" male models posing with women. This is to show that HommeMystere is targeting heterosexual men. In fact, according to a survey, more than 90% of customers were heterosexual. A typical customer model is a married man over the age of 40. Not only underwear, but shoes, watches, suits, and everything else around us, they are looking for good-looking luxury items, and they have the income to buy and maintain them.

Most of the male models are "fine macho"
Most of the male models are "fine macho"

They pose with female models
They pose with female models

Enjoy the game
Enjoy the game

Trying to get into a fighter
Trying to get into a fighter

However, questions remain. Do you need a bra, knowing that some men want to wear high-end, tasteful underwear? I wonder why many women don't want to wear it because their shoulders are stiff, even though they don't need it. You may not know this unless you ask the man who is actually wearing it.

Does he need a "bra"?
Does he need a "bra"?

HommeMystere says he wants to continue selling lingerie for men and fight to break the stereotype that "men shouldn't wear sexy lingerie."
