Halloween costumes for pets are on sale at "iDog & iCat". Here, I would like to introduce some of them.

The first one to introduce is "iDog Eye Dog Little Devil Cape (Red x Black)". Violet-chan (Norwegian Forest Cat), who became a model, described her impressions of wearing it as follows.
"It's a cape that you definitely want to wear for Halloween and can be a little devil. It has horns on the hood and feathers on the back. It has fluffy edges and a ribbon around the neck, so it's small. It's perfect for cute devil girls. "
The product also has a black-based "iDog Eyedog Little Devil Cape (Black x Red)".

Next up is "iDog Eye Dog Pumpkin Hoodie". A hoodie for cats and dogs made from warm sweatshirts that are perfect for fall and winter.

A pumpkin is drawn on the back with a livestock print, and he smiles vaguely in the dark.

Lastly, I would like to introduce "iDog Eye Dog Clown Hoodie," which transforms your cat into a clown. A bonbon is attached to the tip of the bifurcated hood, creating a clown feeling.

A clown's face print is printed on the back with a phosphorescent print. In the darkness, the clown's laughing face pops up.

Available in three colors: yellow / red / purple. However, I feel that purple is a good match for Halloween costumes.

This year's Halloween is October 31st. Why don't you visit a friend's house in the neighborhood with Nyanko and Wanko wearing costumes?