Kiteepee is a tent for cats. When set up, cats can enjoy privacy and owners can enjoy a camping atmosphere.

I feel at home.
I feel at home.

The Kiteepee tent is modeled after the Native American teepee, a mobile home. It is conical in shape, with five wooden poles bundled at one end as supports and a fabric covering around the poles. Unlike most tents, the top end of the tent is open, allowing for excellent ventilation.

The air is not stagnant.
The air is not stagnant.

Belle made "Kitepee" for her cat, Modigliani. She was so pleased with it that she decided to sell it to other cats in her home, thinking they would also be pleased with it.

Mr. Modigliani has already passed away, but when he was alive, he liked "Kitepee" to be set up in his garden or on his balcony. He often took naps in those places.

The garden is well ventilated.
The garden is well ventilated.

Available on the U.S. mail-order site Etsy. In addition to the cat's favorite (?) fish pattern, there are also paw prints. There are fish patterns, paw prints, cat patterns, etc.

It's a paw print.
It's a paw print.

Cat pattern is also available.
Cat pattern is also available.