"Inumon nameplate" engraved with dog illustrations and "dog family crest"

The nameplate "Inumon Nameplate" engraved with dog illustrations and "Inu Family Crest" is now on sale from Bunyo-do.

Nameplate for dog lovers "Inumon nameplate"
"Inumon nameplate" with dog illustrations and "dog family crest" engraved on sale

The "Inumon nameplate" is a wooden nameplate with a laser engraving of a dog's illustration in addition to the user's name. The nameplate is as thick as 30 mm, giving it a profound feeling of wood that metal nameplates do not have. However, a dog's paws were engraved on one side of the nameplate, expressing the cuteness of the dog.

"Inumon nameplate" has both the profound feeling of wood and the cuteness of dogs.
A solid feeling of wood that is not on the metal nameplate (upper image) A cute dog paws engraved on one side (lower image)

You can choose from 20 types of dog illustrations and "dog family crests". The illustrations and the dog family crest are all original by the company's designers.

Dog illustrations and "dog family crests" of "Inumon nameplate" that can be selected from 20 types
The child facing the cat is cute!

You can choose from 5 types of typefaces used for engraving the name part. From simple to unique ones are prepared according to the illustrations and "dog family crest".

All 5 types of typefaces that can be selected with the "Inumon nameplate"
Is this a normal typeface?

You can also carve your dog's name on the name. You can also attach it as a "nameplate" for your kennel and have your neighbors remember your name.

There are four types of materials: cherry blossoms, cypress, cypress, and first place. For details on the price and purchase method, refer to the online site Horebole operated by Bunyo-do.

There are four types of materials for the "Inumon nameplate": cherry blossoms, cypress, cypress, and first place.