At each Tokyu Hands store, a collaboration corner with the popular manga "GeGeGe no Kitaro" will be held from July 16th to August 24th.
At the Mysterious Classroom of the centerpiece father, we sell original goods, youkai miscellaneous goods, mysterious experiment sets, astronomical observation goods, etc. under the four themes of "youkai, space, experiment, and craft". It is also recommended for finding themes for independent research.
In addition, during the period, all Tokyu Hands stores (excluding Nagoya store and Nagoya ANNEX store) will hold participatory events where you can experience making toys such as kaleidoscopes and tops. In addition, at 12 "Hands Cafes" nationwide, you can enjoy a limited menu with the theme of GeGeGe no Kitaro.
* All listed prices do not include tax. Please refer to the "Gegege Hands" special site for the dates and reservation methods for participatory events.