"Lazy-Ass Cats" is a coloring book for cats that are too mature. You can enjoy painting your favorite colors on the sketches of drunk cats and dozing cats.
It was made by Lindsay Conner, who lives in the United States. Conner wrote "Lazy-Ass Cats" with two cats as models. It is said that it was made with the hope that not only those who have already experienced adult picture books but also those who like cats can experience the fun of coloring books.
Conner's cats say that even when Conner is busy and working, he stays asleep on the sofa or bed and hardly moves. To Conner, it looked like a human being drunk from daytime. In "Lazy-Ass Cats," Conner's imagination was shaped and depicted as a cat holding a liquor bottle or sleeping beside a fallen glass.
The so-called "adult coloring book" is characterized by a fine pattern like a miniature. However, Conner says that painting too finely can be frustrating and can make you feel like you're doing the work you have to do, rather than painting for healing or fun. For this reason, the sketch of "Lazy-Ass Cats" was intentionally made simple. Conner says that those who seek complexity should pursue their own art by adding shadows and shades when painting simple sketches.
Conner is currently running a campaign to recruit investors on the crowdfunding site kickstarter. You can get one "Lazy-Ass Cats" with a $ 10 investment. A PDF version is also available, which is recommended for residents outside the United States. A set of books and PDFs ($ 15) will also be offered.
Shipment is scheduled for October 2016. It might be a good Christmas gift for a friend who likes cats and likes cynical humor.