The "Disney" series is now available on Epson's "Smart Canvas" wristwear. It will be released sequentially from November 24th.
"Smart Canvas" is a listware that displays dates, times, illustrations, etc. on high-definition electronic paper. So far, series with motifs such as "PEANUTS", "Moomin", and "Miffy" have been developed. Each model has about 60 to 100 types of content built-in, and the screen display changes according to the time and date.
The lineup of the "Disney" series is as follows. The listed price does not include tax.
A model that displays movie scenes featuring Mickey Mouse. Two types are available, "Vintage Series Brown" and "Vintage Series Gray", which have different band designs. The price is 19,000 yen each. On sale from November 24th.
■ "Classic Pooh"
A model in which the original illustration of "Pooh" is displayed. Two types are available, "Classic Pooh Watercolor" and "Classic Pooh White", which have different band and metal fitting designs. The price is 19,000 yen for "Classic Pooh Watercolor" and 21,000 yen for "Classic Pooh White". On sale from November 24th.
■ "Love Love"
A model that displays hand-drawn Mickey and Minnie illustrations. Three types are available: "Love Love Series Smooth Leather", "Love Love Series White", and "Love Love Series Black" with different designs of bands and metal fittings. The price is 20,500 yen for "Love Love Series Smooth Leather" and 21,000 yen for "Love Love Series White" and "Love Love Series Black". The release date is December 15th.
(C) Disney (C) Disney. Based on the "Winnie the Pooh" works by AA Milne and EH Shepard.