Delicious ORIGAMI-British breakfast-
Learn the world through breakfast

Sony Music Entertainment's kids brand "KIDSTONE" has released an origami kit for children "Delicious ORIGAMI-British breakfast-". The price is 500 yen (excluding tax).

Delicious ORIGAMI-British breakfast-
"Delicious ORIGAMI-British breakfast-"

This product is a set of sheets that can reproduce the classic British breakfast menu with origami (6 types x 2 sheets). You can enjoy learning about British food culture with your family while folding crispy bread, tomatoes, and baked beans.

Delicious ORIGAMI-British breakfast-
When you fold the colorful sheet ...

Delicious ORIGAMI-British breakfast-
Realistic bread and mushrooms are completed!

Products can be purchased at KIDSTONE's online store, as well as at the restaurant "WORLD BREAKFAST ALLDAY" (in front of Gaienmae, Tokyo), which was the model for the menu.