How to make strawberry marinade
Just soak for 30 minutes ♪

The season when bright red strawberries begin to line up in stores. Recent strawberries are sweet and delicious as they are, so why not use a slightly adult "strawberry marinade" instead of condensed milk this year?

Large strawberry maiden
This is Tochiotome

I use balsamic vinegar . Among the authors, it was "a seasoning that I bought with a lot of energy but didn't use much" along with Nampula, but I heard that there was such a usage.

"Sol Leonebio" Balsamic Vinegar Red Label
By the way, the red label of "Sol Leonebio" is recommended for those who are thinking about buying it. It has a strong sweetness and is delicious even if you drink it as it is.

First, sprinkle the same amount of sugar as balsamic vinegar on the cut strawberries. It's OK with an amount that spreads evenly throughout.

How to make strawberry marinade
Prepare the same amount of sugar as balsamic vinegar (this time, change 1 tablespoon each according to the amount of strawberries)

How to make strawberry marinade
Sprinkle on the whole and let it blend in

When the sugar has become familiar and clear, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and leave it for at least 30 minutes. As time goes by, the flavor of balsamic vinegar becomes stronger, so adjust it to your liking (it will become slightly sour if left overnight).

How to make strawberry marinade

The finished marinade has a richer aroma of fruit, making it feel like you are eating a new kind of fruit. The sweet and sour taste that fills your mouth is addictive, making it a refreshing and elegant dessert.

How to make strawberry marinade
The flavor of balsamic vinegar and the sweet and sour taste of strawberries match perfectly.

Add vanilla ice cream (Haagen-Dazs this time) and add marinade to complete the forbidden sweets. The sweet and rich ice cream has a spicy accent, so you can eat as much as you want.

How to make strawberry marinade
The deliciousness of the shock when ice cream is added

You can enjoy a different taste by dipping the strawberries in balsamic vinegar as they are (in that case, we recommend strawberries with a strong sweetness). It's easy and perfect for hospitality, so please try it when you have all the ingredients!