The illustrations are cute! But how do you use it? Have you ever wondered when you saw a "transfer sticker" at a 100-yen shop? The author who says this is also an inexperienced person in transfer stickers. I bought several of my favorite patterns from Daiso and tried them.
As the name suggests, the transfer sticker is a sticker that allows you to copy characters and illustrations onto various objects. Multiple patterns are contained in one sheet. Designs such as "garden" and "logo" were sold at Daiso. In a chic atmosphere, you can easily decorate your personal belongings.
Let's finally use it. First, cut out the illustration you want to paste with scissors and peel off the paper. The illustration may come off along with the peeling paper, so the point is to "slowly and carefully" when peeling off.
When the peeled paper is peeled off, place it where you want to transfer it. You can rub the illustration part evenly from above with the attached stick. Gently flip the sheet and remove it to complete.
The procedure is simple, but the beginner writer has made quite a few mistakes. The illustration is torn when the peeling paper is peeled off. When I peeled it off after rubbing it with a stick, there were places where it wasn't actually visible. If you make a mistake once, you will not be able to recover, so until you get used to it, it is a good idea to choose a simple pattern and proceed with the work carefully.
A transfer sticker that allows you to enjoy various illustrations by buying one sheet. Even if you are not familiar with handcraft, why not give it a try? Items that can be transferred are "paper, plastic, wood, metal, glass", etc. It seems that it may be possible to remove it by rubbing the transferred surface strongly, so it seems better to avoid transferring it to tableware and stationery that you use on a daily basis.