Disney Collection created by Zoff

Mickey Mouse made its screen debut in 1928. As we approach 2018, the 90th anniversary, a collaborative collection with the eyeglass brand "Zoff" will be on sale from December 16th.

Disney Collection created by Zoff
The concept is "Mickey's success and tracing the history and future of eyeglasses"

There are two types of lineup: the authentic "retro style" of 1928 and the "modern style" that imagines the present and future from the 1980s. Both come with a special glasses case and glasses wipe.

Disney Collection created by Zoff
All 18 types of glasses, from 9,000 yen

In addition, a casual model with a popular character printed on the temple (vine) and a set of a chic case and vintage pattern glasses wipe are also available. The casual model is also available in small sizes for small-faced women and small children, so it looks like the whole family can celebrate Mickey's anniversary!

Disney Collection created by Zoff
Casual "Happiness Series" Regular size 5,000 yen, Small size (with clings) 7,000 yen

Disney Collection created by Zoff
Monogram press chic case and glasses wipe set 1,800 yen

* All listed prices do not include tax and include standard lens charges.