Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
I want to put it on anything!

"Poached egg" that tastes and looks better just by adding it to the dish. Normally, eggs are dropped into boiling water to make them, but it is quite difficult to finish them beautifully.

"M-Quiegene Microwave Single Egg Poacher", a cooking utensil that allows you to make such poached eggs in a microwave oven, is now available from the homewear brand "Joseph Joseph". From February 21st, it will be on sale at official online stores.

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
Egg cooking items from the British brand "Joseph Joseph"

I'm not very satisfied with this kind of item, but when I actually tried it, I was impressed with its success rate. I will introduce how to use and finish it first.

The main body consists of 3 parts: cup, colander, and lid. The colander and the cup have grooves that mesh firmly with each other, making it difficult for eggs to stick to each other.

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
I really like vivid oranges

First, pour water up to the line of the cup and heat it in the microwave for 1 minute (in the case of 600W). Put it in hot water.

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
First, make hot water

Insert the egg inside, cover it and heat it for another 1 minute to complete. When you lift the colander, you can take out only the egg and topping it without breaking it.

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
Insert the egg into the hot water

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
Put the lid on and go to the microwave again

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
Oh, it's solidified!

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
Pull up the colander and move it

This time, I made it on time using L size eggs, but the white meat was solidified and the yolk was finished in a flowing state. To make a poached egg with a soft-boiled yolk, it seems good to return the egg to room temperature and adjust the heating time to around 10 seconds.

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
As it is for pasta

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"
In the microwave oven at the author's house, the heating time plus 10 seconds makes it half-cooked.

Eggs Benedict is a typical menu that uses poached eggs, but of course you can also put it on pasta, rice bowls, toast, etc. to improve the taste! The price of a convenient item that is irresistible for egg lovers is 1,080 yen (tax included). It's a little expensive, but it might be cheap if you think it can be used for a long time.

Joseph Joseph "M-Cuiseen Microwave Single Egg Pocher"