Simple recipe for bruschetta
A simple recipe that just mixes tomatoes and commercially available pasta sauce.
Material ( For 2-3 people )
tomato 1 piece
Favorite pasta sauce 20-25g (0.88oz)
French bread Appropriate amount
A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.

"Bruschetta" is a light meal of bread with vegetables and meat. It's familiar in Italian restaurants, but I think many people have never made it at home. Here is a recipe that makes it easy to make such bruschetta. The secret is "commercial pasta sauce".

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
Utilize commercially available pasta sauce

The basic ingredients are tomato (1 piece), favorite pasta sauce (20-25g (0.88oz)), and French bread (appropriate amount). Slice the French bread and lightly bake it in an oven toaster.

Next, cut the tomatoes into cubes of about 1 cm. Lightly remove the seeds and drain with kitchen paper.

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
Cut the tomatoes into cubes and drain.

Mix diced tomatoes and pasta sauce and place on toasted French bread. By adding the oil and saltiness of the pasta sauce to the fresh tomatoes, it becomes a satisfying dish. This time I used peperoncino and basil sauce. Peperoncino had a strong taste with garlic and chili peppers, and basil had a mellow taste with the freshness of herbs and the richness of cheese. Not only Western style but also Japanese style sauce such as blue shiso and yuzu kosho can be mixed to make it delicious.

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
Tomato + peperoncino sauce

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
For the taste of garlic and chili peppers

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
Tomato + basil sauce

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
For a refreshing and mellow taste

A simple recipe for bruschetta that can be made simply by arranging pasta sauce and mixing it with tomatoes.
Serve on French bread

Bruschetta that is easy to make and can be eaten in a slightly elegant mood. Why don't you enjoy it as a holiday breakfast or wine companion?