Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
Catch the curtain firmly with the ring

Do you sometimes find that you don't have a "bus" for curtain tassel in your new home? If you rent it, you will hesitate to install it, but if you tie it with a rope-type tassel, you will have trouble with where to put it when you untie it.

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
There is no place to call ...

The "Ring Curtain Tassel" found at the 100-yen shop "Ceria" solves such problems. There are two colors, black and white, and the price is 100 yen (excluding tax).

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
"Ring curtain tassel"

The ring has a built-in magnet and is divided into two parts from the center. Just put the curtain in between and the curtain will be neatly organized. Thick curtains are a little tight, but they don't slip down.

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
Semi-circular parts

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
Just snap it together!

It is also a point that you can stop the two curtains after removing them or attach them to an inconspicuous place. The ring size is 8 cm in outer diameter, 5 cm in inner diameter, and 1.5 cm in thickness. Depending on the size and thickness of the curtain, it may not be usable, but it is really convenient if it is supported!

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
Or put two sheets together

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
You can stick it to the edge

Ceria "Ring Curtain Tassel"
There seems to be no problem with a general 2-disc curtain