Flying tiger candy container

"Candy container" found at the Danish miscellaneous goods shop "Flying Tiger Copenhagen". It's the one in the sweets section of supermarkets in Europe and America! The tension went up and I bought it unintentionally. The price is 1,200 yen (excluding tax).

Flying tiger candy container
The guy with sweets scattered on the surrounding floor

A 2x2 transparent plastic container that fits in a cardboard rack. A shovel for scooping sweets is also included.

Flying tiger candy container

The rack has a pop design with red and white stripes. The size is width 18 x height 26 x depth 12 cm.

Flying tiger candy container

The container part can be removed and washed. The capacity is also quite good.

Flying tiger candy container

If you want to make it look like Instagram, I think it's a good idea to add colorful candy and gummy candies, but this time I set some snacks.

Flying tiger candy container

Flying tiger candy container

Although the container has a lid, it is not airtight, so it is not suitable for long-term storage. Let's add enough to eat in a few days.

Flying tiger candy container

Flying tiger candy container
If you want to keep it in

Also, moist and large ones are not recommended as they are difficult to scoop with a shovel.

Flying tiger candy container
Moist things stick together and are difficult to remove

A candy container that seems to be useful not only for everyday use but also for home parties. It is also an ant to use as a seasoning container for salt and sugar.