Birthday card singing by name

A greeting card "Birthday card singing by name" that sings a birthday song with the specified name will be released on November 12th. The price is 1,980 yen (tax included).

A custom-made greeting card that you can choose from a total of 4,965 patterns of names. When you open the card and press the button, "Happy Birthday to you" will be played in full and will sing with the specified name. The voice actor is Miki Tokai.

Greeting card that sings a birthday song with a specified name "Birthday card singing by name"

You can specify 1,655 types of names such as "Aito", "Kokona", "Sakura", and "Shingo" and 99 types of surnames such as "Sato" and "Suzuki", and you can add "chan", "kun", and "san" respectively. .. In addition, names such as "mama" and "grandpa" are also available.

There are 4 types of card illustrations. Cakes, concerts, star picking, and picture poems will be held. Both are by picture book writer Yuji Tsukamoto.

Greeting card that sings a birthday song with a specified name "Birthday card singing by name"

The size is 16 cm x 16 cm. Comes with an envelope for shipping.

Available only at Bites Web Shop. A free shipping campaign will be held along with the release.