KALDI Fried Onion

Ingredients that rank up the dishes that are convenient to have. Introducing the "fried onion" that you can get at KALDI.

KALDI Fried Onion

This time I bought a fried onion from Quamprun, Thailand. Good quality red onions are sliced and fried in palm oil for a crispy texture.

KALDI Fried Onion

KALDI Fried Onion
Simple raw materials

KALDI Fried Onion
The size is different

If you top it with a fresh salad, the fragrant texture and sweetness of the onions will be a nice accent. It's unseasoned so it goes well with any vegetable or dressing. It is also a good place to gradually exude the taste and change the taste of a bite.

KALDI Fried Onion

KALDI Fried Onion

It is also recommended to add it to soups such as instant foods. The texture is similar to croutons, but the sweetness of the onions and the richness of the oil make the whole taste richer.

KALDI Fried Onion

Also for curry and stir fry. In addition to putting it on the finished dish, you can also use it as a pinch when you get tired of the taste after eating. It's convenient to have it!

KALDI Fried Onion