100 hair straightening net

The drainage outlet of the bath that ranks high in the places where you are reluctant to clean your house. The main problem is the hair, which gives the impression that soap scum and hot water are entangled and collect dirt.

I found a garbage net for the drain of the bath that catches such hair firmly with 100-yen cando. The name is straight "Hair removal net".

100 hair straightening net

A garbage net dedicated to the circular plate at the drain. It is made of a material like a soap hanging net.

100 hair straightening net

Available in 2 sizes, 30 small sizes with a diameter of 6 to 15 cm and 20 large sizes with a diameter of 6 to 18 cm are included. If you are a general household, you may be able to make it in a small size, but since it is a year, please check before purchasing. In the first place, the eye plate may not be round.

100 hair straightening net
Available in 2 sizes

To use it, just put it on the eye plate with the mouth of the bag facing down. The net catches dust such as hair and prevents it from getting entangled in the eye plate.

100 hair straightening net
Cover it completely,

100 hair straightening net
Bring the mouth of the bag down

100 hair straightening net
The top will be like this

100 hair straightening net
Set in the drain

When replacing, if you turn the bag over and remove it, the garbage will fit in the bag. It feels good to be thrown away at once! After that, rub the area around the eye plate and drain with a brush to complete the cleaning.

100 hair straightening net
Too much ...

100 hair straightening net

100 hair straightening net

A garbage net for drains that reduces the psychological resistance to cleaning as well as the hassle. It is also recommended to use it together with the slime preventive agent introduced the other day!