Ceria color wrap

Lightly colored, convenient for distinguishing the contents and wrapping. Introducing the "color wrap" found in 100-yen ceria. There are two colors, pink and green.

Ceria color wrap

Ceria color wrap

22 cm x 45 m food wrap. There is no particular difference from ordinary wraps, except that they are slightly colored.

Ceria color wrap

Ceria color wrap

Since it is a general size, it can be transferred to a plastic wrap case. * The image is unmarked

Ceria color wrap

A convenient way to use it is to change the color of each rice ball and use it as a label for the contents. If you decide to wrap it with salmon for pink, kelp for green, etc., you won't have to worry about it later.

Ceria color wrap

Ceria color wrap

Ceria color wrap

It is also useful when you divide rice into small pieces and freeze them. If you change the color according to the amount to be wrapped or change the color depending on the day of cooking, you can take out the rice you are looking for immediately after opening the freezer.

Ceria color wrap

The weakness is that the original color of the wrapped food is difficult to understand. Even if whitish foods such as rice and bread are still wrapped, it becomes difficult to understand the state of damage when wrapped with vegetables.

Ceria color wrap
The original color is difficult to understand

Therefore, it is recommended not to operate only with color wrap, but to use it properly in addition to clear wrap. Just wrap it to make it gorgeous, so it's good for lunch sandwiches and simple wrapping!