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Never lose your umbrella again - Blunt + Tile, an umbrella that can be found with your smartphone

BLUNT Umbrella is a strong wind-resistant umbrella. The selling point of this umbrella is its ability to withstand winds of up to 20 m/s, thanks to its unique and patented "Blunt Tips" technology.

BLUNT has announced its newest model, "Blunt + Tile. This is a smart umbrella with a Bluetooth tracker "Tile. It is a smart umbrella with a Bluetooth tracker called "Tile," which allows you to know where your umbrella is with your smartphone.

BLUNT's newest model, the Blunt + Tile, an umbrella that can be tracked with a smartphone.

The "Tile" attached to "Blunt + Tile" is a tracking device using a low-power Bluetooth LE module. The BLUNT umbrella is a bit more expensive than other umbrellas, but it is a good idea for people who don't want to lose their umbrellas. Tile" is the perfect device for the BLUNT umbrella, which many people don't want to lose.

Tile" is a tracking device that can be attached to wallets, keys, etc.

Tile" has been adopted for BLUNT Umbrella.

There are two ways to track the BLUNT umbrella with the Tile: First, the Blunt + Tile communicates directly with a smartphone. In this method, the user launches the "Tile" application on the smartphone and taps "Find. If the "Blunt + Tile" is within range of the Bluetooth signal (approximately 30 meters), the "Tile" will emit a sound to inform the user of its current location. If the Blunt + Tile is not within 30 meters, the app displays a map showing where the Bluetooth signal has been lost. It will give the user hints on how to find the umbrella.

Tile" application screen (example of looking for a key)

Another method is to use "Community Find". If another Tile user is in the vicinity of the lost Blunt + Tile, the user's smartphone app will notify the owner of the umbrella's current location via the Internet. This feature has the potential to become more convenient as the number of "Tile" users increases.

The mid-size "Blunt Classic + Tile" is priced at $99, and the small "Blunt Metro XS + Tile" is priced at $69. Pre-orders are available on the Blunt website.

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