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Even a girl wants to hold hands with him on her first date-a hand-holding glove that gives courage and excuse "GLOVERS"

For example, when climbing stairs, gently reach out to a woman. For example, in a pitch-black haunted house, I forcibly grab my hand, saying, "This is it!"

When a man wants to hold her hand on his first date, he has a lot of tricks (?) Like this. But what if a woman wants to hold hands with a man?

"GLOVERS" are hand-tie gloves that help women who don't have the courage to take his hand from themselves. It's an excellent product that not only gives you courage but also makes an excuse.

Hand-tied gloves "GLOVERS" that give courage and excuse

Let's say you meet him outside. When he appears at the meeting place, he invites him to say, "I bought this. It's cold, so I won't try it together." If you have an excuse to try a new product you bought, it will be easier for women who are not brave to invite you.

Take out "I bought this" and "GLOVERS"

If you try it with two people

You see, I held hands!

In fact, there are various hand-holding techniques for women. For example, "Walk behind him on purpose and try to grab the cuffs from behind." However, there must be some beginners in love who say, "I can't master such advanced techniques!" "GLOVERS" is recommended for such people.

Get to the meeting place a little early and keep your fingertips cool. I'm sure he will wrap and warm your hands.

Now, what if you fail to hold hands with him? In fact, "GLOVERS" is a safe design that even one person can wear. At least my hands are warmed up. You can manage to spend a warm winter with this, right? My heart may be a little (quite?) Cold.

See, even alone! warm! !!

"GLOVERS" seems to be available on the online shopping site Scandinavian Forest and Amazon.co.jp. The price is 2,700 yen (including consumption tax). The price is cheap if you can connect with him. Let's do our best not to waste our investment!

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