Home   »   Kitchen   »   "Kitchen Science Kit" that delivers kitchen miscellaneous goods such as beakers and flasks, supervised by Tanita Shokudo

"Kitchen Science Kit" that delivers kitchen miscellaneous goods such as beakers and flasks, supervised by Tanita Shokudo

In Keigo Higashino's detective novel "Galileo Series", there is a description that the main character of a physicist brews coffee in a beaker. For a liberal arts writer, this is a scene that makes me admire the feeling of "the science". However, it seems that it is not convenient to actually use it at home.

Felissimo sells the kitchen goods "Kitchen Science Kit for Science of Healthy Eating", which gives you a longing for such laboratory equipment and a healthy diet.

Cooking experiment started!

This product was developed with the cooperation of Tanita, which became a hot topic in the employee cafeteria that offers healthy menus. It is said that kitchen tools that can properly measure ingredients and seasonings will be delivered once a month (6 times in total) so that the healthy eating habits of the "Tanita Shokudo" currently being developed by the company can be practiced.

All of them are designed in the image of laboratory equipment, and come with an information card that gives you tips on cooking at the Tanita cafeteria. With a kitchen timer like an alcohol lamp, you can get into the habit of being aware of meal times.

Salt & spice bottle like a reagent bottle With a spoon that can measure salt in 1 g units

Shoyu-sashi like an Erlenmeyer flask Push type to prevent overspraying

Kitchen timer like a nostalgic alcohol lamp

Please refer to the Felissimo website for details on purchasing methods and prices.
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