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No numbers? Clock "QLOCK TWO" that informs the time in English

what time is it?

"QLOCKTWO" is a watch brand launched by German design agent BIEGERT & FUNK. There are no hands or indexes on the board, and it features a design that conveys the time with floating letters such as "IT IS HALF PAST SEVEN".

“IT IS HALF PAST SEVEN” Is it likely that you will study English?

The display changes every 5 minutes, and the four points emit light so that you can see the exact time in minutes. The lineup includes wall-mounted types, desk clocks with alarms, and watches, and it seems that you can also select the color and language of the board.

45 x 45 cm wall clock "QLOCK TWO CLASSIC" Compatible with various colors and 20 languages. From 139,000 yen

Desktop clock "QLOCK TWO TOUCH" Compatible with 20 languages, starting from 64,000 yen

Watch "QLOCK TWO W" like a smart watch Supports 7 languages, various colors and materials. From 82,000 yen

It is currently sold at "Nakameguro Tsutaya Bookstore" (Meguro-ku, Tokyo), and will be expanded to interior shops and select shops in Tokyo in the future. It's a design that breaks the concept of a clock, but you can feel the warmth of having a conversation. * All listed prices do not include tax
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