Home   »   Gourmet at home   »   All-purpose "Negishi-dare" from the tube! S & B's "Kizami Negi Salt" is one that you want to keep in the refrigerator

All-purpose "Negishi-dare" from the tube! S & B's "Kizami Negi Salt" is one that you want to keep in the refrigerator

S & B's new tube is green onion salt!

Introducing "Kizami Negi Salt" in the tube seasoning series of S & B Foods. It has been sold at supermarkets since March.

It was about 100 yen per bottle

Speaking of "green onion salt", it is a versatile sauce that goes well with meat that is familiar in yakiniku restaurants and izakaya. It's easy to enjoy at home ...! I tried immediately.

What came out of the tube was a whitish paste-like seasoning. There are plenty of chopped green onions so that the tube seems to be clogged.

Plenty of green onions anyway

If you lick it as it is, it's simple but delicious with the combination of crispy green onions, moderate saltiness, and the richness of sesame oil! With the addition of black pepper and lemon juice, you can refresh your appetite while stimulating.

You can also eat fatty meat refreshingly

Of course, it can be used for grilled meat and steamed chicken sauce, mixed with ponzu sauce for dressing, and used for seasoning rice with eggs and soup. Personally, I felt the greatest potential in the tube-based condiment series, so be sure to keep one in the refrigerator!

Mix with ponzu to make seaweed salad
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