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[Toilet cleaning] 3 brushes that are easy to remove dirt--firmly to the back of the toilet bowl

Toilet bowls that tend to collect dirt and odors and should be cleaned carefully when you have time. Introducing three special brushes that are easy to turn and convenient.

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Joseph Joseph "Flex"

It features a thin and highly flexible EVA resin brush head. In addition to reaching every corner of the toilet bowl and the back of the edge, it has the characteristics of "difficult to leave dirt on the brush" and "difficult to splash water", so it can be used hygienically. The drainage is also good, so there is less worry about dripping water when you put it in the case after cleaning.

Thanks to this suppleness

Firmly to the back of the toilet bowl

Fits on the back of the edge

Marna "2 in 1 Toilet Brush"

A set of a large brush that makes it easy to clean the entire toilet bowl and a small brush that is suitable for the back of the border and the cleaning nozzle. By using them in combination, you can evenly remove dirt. The handle of the brush and the tip are curved, so it is convenient for small turns. The storage case has also been devised such as "the brushes do not touch each other", "easy to put in and take out", and "easy to throw away the accumulated water".

The big brush

Efficiently use the entire toilet bowl

The small brush

Firmly reach the back of the border

100-yen shop "Toilet brush with mirror"

A toilet brush that allows you to look directly at the back of the toilet bowl, which you cannot normally see. If you reflect it on the mini mirror attached to the head part, you can see how dirty the back of the edge is. You can efficiently remove dirt without rubbing against the dark clouds. It has a curve and is a kind design that you do not have to bend down too much.

The reality behind the border is now clear

3 brush products that improve the efficiency of toilet cleaning. If you have a chance to buy a new one, why not consider it as a candidate?
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