Garbage bio deodorant

Just sprinkle on kitchen waste! Introducing "Garbage Bio Deodorant" that bio-decomposes the source of odors and prevents bad odors.

Garbage bio deodorant

Purchase price on Amazon: 1,460 yen with 420g (14.82oz) (tax included, shipping not included)

Garbage bio deodorant

A deodorant for kitchen waste made from crude drugs and fermented bacteria. Simply sprinkle it on the kitchen waste produced during cooking to prevent the generation of foul odors. Can also be used with garbage processing machines.

Garbage bio deodorant

Unlike deodorants that overwrite and eliminate odors, herbal medicines and microorganisms work to prevent the generation of odors. People who are not good at strong fragrances are also safe.

Garbage bio deodorant

The standard usage amount is about 1g (0.04oz) (one swing) for every 100g (3.53oz) of kitchen waste. Make sure that it covers the entire kitchen waste evenly. This significantly reduces the smell of kitchen waste even in hot weather. It can't be zero, but it doesn't give off a foul odor that makes you frown over time. There is almost no chance that insects will sprout or flies will gather.

Garbage bio deodorant

Garbage bio deodorant
Evenly throughout

Garbage bio deodorant
The powder is pure white

It should be noted that it should be applied directly to kitchen waste. There is no effect even if you put paper dust or plastic dust on top of each other, so be sure to separate them before use. Also, when sprinkled, the smell of chemicals is a little worrisome, but it disappears when it gets used to kitchen waste.

Garbage bio deodorant
The effect is reduced if paper dust is mixed.

If you are worried about the smell of kitchen waste, please try it! If you combine it with the "bag that does not smell kitchen waste " introduced the other day, you can expect even more powerful effects.