"Sailor Moon Rainbow Moon Charis Room Fragrance" is an anime work "Sailor Moon S" with the motif of the legendary Holy Grail "Rainbow Moon Charis" that transforms Sailor Moon into Super Sailor Moon. The size is about 15 cm in height, and the image is the size of Rainbow Moon Charis that appears in the play. Die-cast (metal) parts are used for the pedestal, and the weight when picked up further enhances the sense of authenticity. The image colors of the sailor warriors were adopted for the rhinestones that color the surroundings.
When you open the lid of Charis, there is a "phantom silver crystal" that has a strong presence, and a mini-type room fragrance is installed in it. When the lid of Rainbow Moon Charis is opened, there is a faint floral and fruity "Serenity Bouquet" scent in the room.
The price is 5,184 yen (tax included). A separate shipping and handling fee is required. The set includes one "Rainbow Moon Charis-type Case" and one "Room Fragrance". The size is width 13 x height 15 x depth 8.1 cm. The reservation period starts from December 17, 2014, and will end as soon as the number of preparations is reached. The product will be shipped in April 2015.