When you were a kid, when you were in a car, did you play with making "10" with the number of the car running from the front? For example, if the number displayed on the license plate is "82-56", it will be "8+ (5-6 / 2) = 10".

It's a simple play, but children who continue to do this are often good at calculations.

"Albert" is a watch that aims for a similar effect. We aim to improve our computing power by having children constantly calculate.

"Albert" is a digital clock that displays hours in the upper row and minutes in the lower row. However, since the calculation formula is displayed in both the upper and lower rows, it is necessary to calculate to know the current time. The calculation formula changes every minute, so you can enjoy new calculations every minute (?).

In order to set the current time with "Albert", this much calculation is required. I feel like I'm getting smarter (because of my mind?)
In order to set the current time with "Albert", this much calculation is required. I feel like I'm getting smarter (because of my mind?)

The level of the calculation formula can be specified according to the grade and calculation ability of the child. You can specify "LEVEL1" for addition and subtraction only, "LEVEL2" for multiplication and division, and "LEVEL3" for elementary school level mixed arithmetic for either hour or minute.

Example of "LEVEL 1" display: You can see that this is 8:31 the moment you see it.
Example of "LEVEL 1" display: You can see that this is 8:31 the moment you see it.

This is "LEVEL 3" You might think it's 8:36 if you're asleep.
This is "LEVEL 3" You might think it's 8:36 if you're asleep.

The name "Albert" is named after the theoretical physicist "Albert Einstein". The developers are hoping that children will use "Albert" to grow into genius mathematicians and physicists.

Will a child mathematician / physicist who grew up in "Albert" appear in a few years? (The image seems to be an image)
Will a child mathematician / physicist who grew up in "Albert" appear in a few years? (The image seems to be an image)

Based in Paris, France, which developed "Albert", MNT NT PARIS is currently conducting a campaign to recruit investors on the crowdfunding site kickstarter for the commercialization of "Albert". You can get "Albert" by investing 140 euros. The retail price after the campaign will be 240 euros. Shipment is scheduled for February 2016.

MNTNT PARIS is also developing a smartphone app version of "Albert". This is available with a 1 euro investment. You may want to install this app on a tablet you no longer use and hang it on the wall.

It may be that the app is installed on the child's smartphone.
It may be that the app is installed on the child's smartphone.

Personally, when I was a kid, I wish "Albert" had been installed in an elementary school classroom. Wasn't it the best way to kill time during a boring class?