"Osomatsu-san Hand Cream with Can Mirror" is on sale. A product that always feels the existence of 6 brothers.

"Osomatsu-san Hand Cream with Can Mirror" is a set of hand cream and can mirror that expresses the Matsuno family's 6 brothers with the scent of "Matcha". Six children are designed for the tube container. There are 6 types of "Osomatsu", "Karamatsu", "Choromatsu", "Ichimatsu", "14matsu" and "Todomatsu".

The can mirror is a collaboration with COZY WAVE brand ROMANTICA. It features a playful design.

The price is 1,944 yen (including consumption tax). You can buy it at famima.com. The reservation period is from March 15th to 31st of the year, and the delivery period is scheduled to start in late May.