Celia's "Cloth Uchiwa"
The point is to get it wet with water

Extreme heat countermeasure goods such as cooling towels and cooling sprays that are widely deployed every year. Among them, I found a very simple and convenient product at the 100-yen shop "Ceria", so I will introduce it.

Celia's "Cloth Uchiwa"
Uchiwa, a must-have item for summer

This is "cloth uchiwa". The aogu part is made of polyester instead of paper, but the weight and wind strength are the same as ordinary Uchiwa.

Celia's "Cloth Uchiwa"
Looks stronger than paper

However, when I moisten the cloth with water and apply it to my skin ...

Celia's "Cloth Uchiwa"
When I try to get it wet

It's finally cold! The part that touches the skin feels cool due to the heat of vaporization, and it is very comfortable for the hot body.

Celia's "Cloth Uchiwa"
It feels good ~

Immediately after getting wet, you can also enjoy the splash of water when it gets wet (be careful when using it near precision equipment and home appliances). The wind itself didn't feel particularly cold compared to the unwetted one.

After use, it can be dried and stored, and can be used as a normal uchiwa. There is a traditional Gifu craft called "Mizuuchiwa" that appears in a certain beer commercial, but is it a super-simplified version? It seems to be useful outside such as fireworks festivals. The price is, of course, 108 yen (tax included).

Celia's "Cloth Uchiwa"
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