Celia "Melody Candle"
Celebrate your birthday grandly!

"Birthday im" that I sometimes encounter while eating at a restaurant. Even strangers will applaud at that event where the lights in the store are turned off and the cake with fireworks is brought along with the music.

The "Melody Candle" from the 100-yen shop "Celia" can produce such a surprise at home. A cake candle with an electronic music box built into the pedestal.

Celia "Melody Candle"
Ceria's "Melody Candle" 100 yen (excluding tax) There were several colors

When you turn the candlestick, the melody of "Happy Birthday to You" plays. A tone like a music box card plays repeatedly until the switch is turned off. The volume is a little loud, but when you put it on the cake, you wrap it with aluminum foil, so the volume is just right.

Celia "Melody Candle"
The metal part is a switch

Celia "Melody Candle"
When you put it on the cake, wrap the foil so that the cream does not get in.

It seems that the candle can be replaced if the size matches, but the battery cannot be replaced. Also, be sure to turn off the candle after it has been lit before it burns to the table. At first glance, you don't know where it's ringing, so why not take it into a little surprise?

Celia "Melody Candle"
After all this melody is nice * The left is an ordinary candle