Daiso translucent sticky note

A sticky note that is useful for marking areas of interest in books and areas of interest in documents. However, the information below is hidden and difficult to read! There are times when it happens.

A translucent sticky note is convenient in such a case, but this time I found a cute animal motif with a 100% Daiso.

Daiso translucent sticky note

I bought a sea otter and curious design. It is a set of 2 patterns x 40 pieces each with a loose touch illustration.

As an example of how to use

・ Put it on the schedule book as a TO DO memo to remove after cleaning up. You can check it together with the originally written schedule.

Daiso translucent sticky note

・ Attach it when you add a word to the map.

Daiso translucent sticky note

・ Put a marker instead of a marker on the part of the book that you do not want to get dirty.

Daiso translucent sticky note
There is a weakness that it is inconspicuous, but ...

The translucent is cool and perfect for the coming season (?). How about those who find it inconvenient to have a sticky note?