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Cats play alone - The cats wall's wheel, a treadmill for cats

HolinDesign sells The cats wall's wheel, a treadmill for cats. Cats can enjoy this toy by themselves even when their owners are not home.

The cats wall's wheel" treadmill for cats

The cats wall's wheel works in much the same way as the hamster wheel for hamsters. There is no motor attached to the wheel, but the cat runs inside the wheel to make it spin.

Cats can enjoy feeling like hamsters!

Unlike wild cats, domesticated cats do not need to hunt. This means that they have more energy and are more stressed both physically and mentally.

The cats wall's wheel" is a tool that allows domesticated cats to release their excess energy by running on a spinning wheel. While many similar products are already available in the U.S., "The cats wall's wheel" by HolinDesign is characterized by its beautiful handmade design and space-saving design that can be installed even in a small space.

Reference image: Similar product "One Fast Cat

Fun! (by Cat)

Unlike "One Fast Cat," "The cats wall's wheel" is wall-mounted and can be installed in a small space.

The drum section measures 120 cm in diameter by 30 cm in width and weighs 8.7 kg. The load capacity is up to 25 kg, so up to two adult cats of typical size can play with it.

HolinDesign also sells a floor-standing version, "the bike for cats. This is for people who live in apartments and cannot drive screws or nails into the wall. The size and load capacity of the drum is the same as that of "the cats wall's wheel," but the drum is supported by legs, so the overall weight is a little heavier at 15.3 kg.

The bike for cats" is beautifully finished, but I have a feeling it will fall apart as soon as the cats start to play with it.

It can be purchased on the U.S. mail-order site Etsy. The cats wall's wheel, a space-saving wall-mounted type, is priced at $750, and the bike for cats, a floor-mounted type, is $890. Shipping to Japan is $180 for both.

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