Home   »   Kitchen   »   I was looking for this! A measuring spoon for 100% powder that can be ground and sifted with one

I was looking for this! A measuring spoon for 100% powder that can be ground and sifted with one

Powder sprinkle that is indispensable for preparing meat and fish. You can't sprinkle it evenly with a spoon, but it's a hassle to take out the sieve.

Can this process work?

Furthermore, the author is not good at the texture of "potato starch" in the world, so I was always looking for goods that could be used as comfortably as possible. Finally, I came across an ideal measuring spoon at 100% ...!

This is the "Easy with one hand! Measuring spoon" found at the 100-yen shop "Ceria". A set of 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon, both compact size that fits easily in the stocker.

"Easy with one hand! Smooth measuring spoon"

Compact size that can be stored in the stocker

A cover that can be slid with one hand is mounted on the top of the spoon. Roughly scoop and slide to remove excess powder, and you can weigh "one scoop" without using a spoon.

Roughly scoop up

When you slide the cover

You can weigh "one cup of shavings"

In addition, the slide cover has a "powder sieving hole", so you can turn it over and sprinkle it on meat or fish as it is. This is a little too convenient ...?

Is 100 yen all right ...?

Goods for powder are Hundred yen store

By the way, at Hundred yen store, there are many other cooking goods specializing in "powder".

The "Powdered Spoon" from the 100-yen shop "Daiso" is a large and small sieve that can be used in a wide range and a narrow range. The mesh is finer than the previous spoon and spreads more evenly. Recommended for veteran housewives who do not need to weigh.

Daiso "Powdered Spoon" Smaller ones can be used for drink decoration

Scoop the powder

Can be sprinkled as it is

This is also a "sliding measuring spoon for powder" purchased from Daiso. One can measure 4 stages from 1/2 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon, and the long handle makes it easy to measure even in a bag with a deep bottom.

"Sliding measuring spoon for powder"

When you slide to the scale

The size of the spoon changes

Can be used widely from flour to sugar and salt

All of the products introduced are hygienic because the parts can be disassembled and washed. If you are having trouble handling powder, why not take a look at Hundred yen store?

As expected it is Hundred yen store
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