Chipmunk cheek pouch with gusset

"Chipmunk cheek pouch with town" is Felissimo's YOU + MORE! It is sold from. A storage bag that is convenient for storing sweets for a short period of time and eating them later, like a rodent's cheek pouch that can store food.

Chipmunk cheek pouch with gusset
"Chipmunk cheek pouch with town" is on sale. Image of rodent cheek pouch

Chipmunk cheek pouch with gusset
Reference image: Chipmunk with cheek pouch

This product is a zipper storage bag with a chipmunk face printed on it. It features a design that swells when stuffed with sweets such as candies, cookies, granola, and popcorn, and the cheeks become buns. There is a chipmunk print on both the front and back.

Since it is self-supporting with a gusset, it is also convenient for putting sweets such as muffins and cupcakes that you do not want to lie down.

Chipmunk cheek pouch with gusset
Independent chipmunk!

The size is about 15 x 20 x 10.5 cm in width (maximum). The price is 600 yen for a set of 10 pieces.

Chipmunk cheek pouch with gusset
"Captain! A horde of squirrels is coming!"

It can be purchased from the online shop of Felissimo's miscellaneous goods brand "YOU + MORE!". For details on how to purchase, refer to the "YOU + MORE!" Website.

Chipmunk cheek pouch with gusset