"Crazy Circle" is relatively popular in the United States. It's a cat toy with a ball inside the donut-shaped body. It makes use of the cat's habits of "I want to thrust my forefoot into a narrow space" and "I want to catch moving objects", and it is suitable for relieving stress and relieving lack of exercise.

However, the "crazy circle" has the drawback that cats quickly get bored. A wise cat will find out early on that the ball won't move unless it's poked.
"Irresisti Cat" is a cat goods that eliminates this drawback. It is electric and moves around as if the ball is alive, attracting the attention of cats.

A solar panel is attached to the upper part of the main body, and when it is exposed to light, it generates electricity and moves the balls inside. Since it only moves a lightweight ball, it does not need to be exposed to direct sunlight, and it seems to work well with indoor lighting.

It was developed by Solar Chasers, a company that develops cat toys that use solar panels. The company has several cats and is in charge of product testing. Kittens work as internships and adult cats work as senior product testers. We give a strict evaluation to the prototype. Since "IrresistiCat" is a product that has passed rigorous testing by many such testers, it is highly probable that many cats will be pleased with it.

Solar Chasers is currently looking for investors on the crowdfunding site kickstarter for the commercialization of "IrresistiCat". If you invest $ 17, you can get one "Irresisti Cat". However, this project is likely to fail, so it may be better to wait for it to go on sale before purchasing. The shipping start time is scheduled for January 2016. The retail price is expected to be $ 29.