Mk Seiko has released a slim rice box "Slim Ace" with a width of 10 cm. You can purchase it at the company's official online shop or home improvement store.

Slim rice box "Slim Ace" with a width of 10 cm
Rice bins for a little gap

This product is a slim-designed rice box that makes it easy to secure a storage space even in a small kitchen. It is also equipped with a lever-type weighing function, which is a characteristic of the company's rice bins, and one total amount of rice can be obtained by pushing down the lever once. It seems that it is particular about usability, such as a boat-shaped rice tray that makes it easy to transfer rice and a skeleton type storage that makes it easy to check the remaining amount.

Slim rice box "Slim Ace" with a width of 10 cm
Easy and lightweight with one push (up to 4 rice trays)

Slim rice box "Slim Ace" with a width of 10 cm
Storage unit where the remaining amount is easy to understand

There are two types of lineup, a rice storage capacity of 6 kg and a 10 kg type. The size of the 6kg type is W10 x H45 x D40.5cm, and the size of the 10kg type is W10 x H64 x D40.5cm. Two colors, white and cherry, are available. With casters.