"New Year Haneda Edo Festival 2017" at Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal
Experience the lively New Year of the Edo period!

"New Year Haneda Edo Festival 2017" will be held for three days from January 1st to January 3rd at Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal (Haneda Airport).

The Haneda Edo Festival is an event that is held regularly under the theme of the Edo period. This time, the concept will be renewed, and the logo and theme song will be directed to "the early Edo period when Ieyasu Tokugawa ruled the world".

The highlight of the performance is the "EDO Daimyō Gyo", which is a modern arrangement of the Sengoku warlords and the Daimyō Gyo. In addition, performances of Edo arts such as plays, lion dances, and Edo Taikagura set in Edo, and a mochitsuki experience are planned.

"New Year Haneda Edo Festival 2017" at Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal
Edo stage stage event

In addition, at the "Temple hut work shop", which is popular mainly with children, you can make a military commander and a helmet that the military commander used during the war and become a military commander. , "Experience at the beginning of writing" will be prepared.

"New Year Haneda Edo Festival 2017" at Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal
Terakoya Work Shop Implementation Details

The facility is located at Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal, 2-6-5 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo. The holding time is from 11:00 to 19:00. Entrance is free of charge. Please check the event official website for the time schedule of each event.
Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal "New Year Haneda Edo Festival 2017"
Address:2-6-5 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo