Le Creuset Japon's first roadside store "Le Creuset Roppongi Limited Shop" will open on April 29th at Roppongi Hills Keyakizaka Dori (Minato-ku, Tokyo).
This is the largest directly managed store of Le Creuset. We also have limited items that can only be obtained at the store and rare items that are difficult to obtain. As a concept shop that can embody the history and world view of Le Creuset for more than 90 years, it is said that the contents are spectacular, such as the latest model "Signature" of the cast enamel pot is lined up.

The store information is as follows.
Address: 6-15-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Roppongi Hills Keyakizaka Terrace 1F
Business hours: 12:00 to 21:00
Address:6-15-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Roppongi Hills Keyakizaka Terrace